Our Sustainability Approach
With our commitment to leave a more liveable world for future generations, we strive to make healthy food sustainable and available for everyone. We believe that the way to leave a beautiful future for subsequent generations is to build a “sustainable business and life cycle.”
We are Turkey’s largest fruit growing and fruit juice processing company, and our vision is to lead the development of agriculture and agro-based industries. We carry out all of our operations in accordance with the global principles of sustainability and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs).
We contribute to economic, environmental and social sustainability in all our operations, in accordance with the “Sustainable Agriculture Principles’’, which we prepared and published in 2014 with the contributions of our stakeholders and academicians. This was a first in Turkey.
We set our sustainability priorities together with our internal and external stakeholders and share our sustainability activities with our stakeholders via our sustainability reports, which are prepared in accordance with GRI - Global Reporting Standards.
As a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact, we implement sustainable projects for the efficient use of natural resources, protection of biodiversity, local development and social benefit with practices that focus on mankind and nature.
We take care to use water efficiently in our activities, with an awareness of the limitations of water resources. We also contribute to the protection of the environment and natural resources through our work on energy use and waste management and are always sensitive to the impacts of climate change.
In order to improve the sustainability performance of both our company and the sector, the views and recommendations of our stakeholders are also of great importance to us.
You can contact us with any thoughts, suggestions or questions related to our sustainability work.
Contact Anadolu Etap
E-mail: surdurulebilirlik@anadoluetap.com
Phone: +90 216 578 87 00
2020 Sustainability Report
2018-2019 Sustainability Report
2018-2019 Sustainability Report Summary
2017 Sustainability Report
Sustainable Agriculture Principles